every thing to know about anxiety (1)


Its normal to feel anxious from time to time , especially if you live a stressful life . But for many people , ANXIETY is constant companion , always lurking behind the next corner . an estimate 2-5% of people the population are living with the constant worrying and panic attacks that define one of the most common mental illnesses: generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Millions more live with social anxiety disorder , panic disorder and other anxiety conditions .

However , too few people discuss these openly. Mental illness still has a social stigma , causing many people keep their condition a secret . For other , however , opening up is way of coping with anxiety . Some have discovered writing to be helpful and started blogs that have become a source of inspiration for thousand of others who can relate : they show that there is way back into an enjoyable life .


So there are many question  in our minds when it comes to ANXIETY like, what is ANXIETY ? , what are causes of ANXIETY ? , and so on . but in this blog lets learn about ANXIETY . so if anyone ask us about anxiety than we should at least know something about anxiety .


So here comes the first question , WHAT IS ANXIETY ? 

Anxiety is the mind and body’s reaction to the stressful , dangerous , or unfamiliar situation . it’s the sense of uneasiness , distress , or dread you feel before a significant event . a certain level of anxiety helps to stay aware, but for those suffering from anxiety disorder , it feels far from normal – it can be completely debilitating. And the person wants to be alone all the time .

simplifying anxiety




Generalized anxiety disorder , GAD is an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety , exaggerated worry and tension , even when there is little or nothing to provoke it.


Obsessive –compulsive disorder ,OCD is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by recurrent , unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and /or repetitive behaviors (compulsions) . repetitive behaviors such as hand washing , counting , or cleaning are often performed with the hope of preventing obsessive thoughts or making them go away . performing these so-called “rituals” , however , provides only temporary relief , and not performing them markedly increase anxiety .


 Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by unexpected and repeated                       episode of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms that may include chest pain , heart palpitation , shortness of breath , dizziness , or abdominal distress.


PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened . traumatic events that may trigger PTSD include violent personal assault , natural or human caused disasters , accidents , or military combat .


Social phobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by overwhelming anxiety and excessive self-consciousness in everyday social situation . social phobia can be limited to only one type of situation – such as a fear of speaking in formal or in formal situation , or eating or drinking in front of other – or , in its most severe form , may be so broad that a person experiences symptoms almost anytime they are around other people


ANXITEY can treated by taking proper steps like going to a psychologist and be taking a proper medications  . but real question is can anxiety be treated at home ? answer is YES . Yes anxiety can be treated at home but it depends on how much self coping up you can do . so this question is to you can you self cope up ? if the answer is yes then we have some methods which can help you like,

1. Self care : self care is very important for everyone even if you don’t have anxiety , but in anxiety u need to take more care of yourself .

2. Avoid alcohol : alcohol changes levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitter in the brain which can worsen anxiety . in fact , you may feel more anxious after the alcohol wears off . alcohol – induced anxiety can last for several hours , or  even for an entire day after drinking . people think it is easy way to forget about their problems . but they don’ t know is that they are increasing it and also abuses their body .

3. Reduce caffeine intake : there’s an association between caffeine consumption and anxiety disorder . yet , for most people, moderate caffeine intake is safe and may have benefits . cutting back or eliminating caffeine from your diet quickly can lead to withdrawal symptoms , which can also be anxiety producing .

4. Physical exercise : physical exercise can also be like aerobic activity , stercthing , yoga etc . it will help your to increase your cardiovascular health . it should be done at least for 20 mins in the week .

5. Quitting smoking : quitting smoking abruptly may cause one to go through physical and psychological effects of drug withdrawal . these effects may include intense food craving , jittery nerves, short temper and sleeplessness . and it’s a hard rock to crack but great when it is crack .

6. relaxation techniques : relaxation techniques have great effect on anxiety . just few techniques like  long breathing , doing yoga , sitting in comfortable places with eyes closed . helps to reduce anxiety at a great level . This are few things which can help you to cope up with your anxiety .

At this note my blog comes to end . let all of us come together and take a oath that we make this world a comfortable places for mental health and lets start taking mental health seriously

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